Website Reports & Recommendations

In August, there were 16,302 users, which is one thousand more than last month. There were roughly two sessions per user, with two page views each. The bounce rate is 66%. Most of the users this month were new.

A breakdown of acquisitions is below:

  1. Facebook 1204       Last Month   1,707 
  2. Twitter 864           Last Month    640 
  3. Church Militant 114
  4.   106
  5.      69 
  6. Breitbart          66
  7. 58

This month, more users visited us on their mobile devices than on desktops.

A breakdown of the most visited pages is located under “Popular Links.”

PDF Documents

KSM Overview August 2021
Site Speed Overview August 2021
Referral Traffic August 2021
Audience Overview August 2021
Mobile August 2021
Popular Links August 2021

July 2021 Web Traffic Report

In July, there were 15,235 users, 13,594 of them being returning users. 

43% of those users were acquired through organic search, 38% were direct, 11% from social media and the remaining referral. A breakdown of acquisitions is below:

  1. Facebook 1,707 
  2. Twitter 640 
  3. WordPress 18 
  4. Quora 8
  5. YouTube 8 
  6. reddit 4 
  7. Blogger 3 
  8. LinkedIn 2 
  9. Pinterest 2 
  10. Before It’s News 1 

There are still more users visiting us on their desktops.

The average page load time is 6.79 seconds; however, it’s almost two seconds faster for users on Safari, one second for users using the browser Microsoft Edge, and about the same for users visiting using the browser Chrome.

The average server response time is less than half a second.

We continue to see large increases in traffic on hot button issue articles. The site is indexing very quickly on Google and so people are finding the articles on the first page and following the link to the site.

PDF Documents

KSM Overview July 2021
Site Speed Overview July 2021
Acquisition Detail July 2021
Audience Overview July 2021
Mobile July 2021
Popular Links July 2021

Quarter 1 & 2 2021 Web Traffic Report


Audience Overview

The number of returning and new users stayed very closely the same between Quarter One and Two.

The number of users using each type of device declined between quarters; however, desktop users became the most popular device..

Between quarters, the bounce rate barely changed.  This tells us the majority of viewers are only seeing a single page and bouncing right back to the acquisition.


In Quarter Two, the number of users acquired from social networks went down by 10%. Those coming from direct and organic search did not change, referrals went up 18.9% 



We continue to see large increases in traffic on hot button issue articles. The site is indexing very quickly on Google and so people are finding the articles on the first page and following the link to the site.

PDF Documents

KSM Overview Comparison 2021
Site Speed Overview Comparison 2021
Acquisition Detail Comparison 2021
Audience Overview Comparison 2021
Demographics Comparison 2021
Popular Links Comparison 2021

Audience Overview

  • Of our 18,560 users this month, 17,044 of them were new users, each of them staying on a page for a minute and a half and viewing 2 pages per session.
  • The number of people visiting the site from their desktops continues to surge. Desktop users is followed closely by mobile users and finally, tablet users.
  • We have 57,800 page views and a  bounce rate of 62.74%. This tells us the majority of viewers are only seeing a single page and bouncing right back to the acquisition.


  • 40.82% of our users came to us via organic search. 32.13% were via direct method, 5.22% were via referral and 18.55% were via social media.

I wanted to further breakdown where our users are coming from. In May, this is what it looked like:

  1. Facebook 249 (51.38%) 
  2.  Twitter 2,056 (46.97%) 
  3.  reddit 30 (0.69%) 
  4.  LinkedIn 24 (0.55%) 
  5.  Blogger 7 (0.16%) 
  6.  YouTube 6 (0.14%) 
  7.  Quora 4 (0.09%) 
  8.  Pinboard 1 


  • We continue to see large increases in traffic on hot button issue articles. The site is indexing very quickly on Google and so people are finding the articles on the first page and following the link to the site.

PDF Documents

KSM Overview June 2021
Site Speed Overview June 2021
Acquisition Detail June 2021
Audience Overview June 2021
Mobile June 2021
Popular Links June 2021

May 2021 Web Traffic Report


Audience Overview

  • Of our 19,506 users this month, 18,047 of them were new users, each of them staying on a page for a minute and a half and viewing 2 pages per session.
  • We had 1,417 more people on their desktop visiting us in May than folks visiting from their phones. That’s 1,200 more people visiting us on desktops in May than there were in April. It’s interesting that the number of users on their desktops is surging, I am going to keep an eye on this.
  • We have 53,045 page views and a bounce rate of 68.94%. This tells us the majority of viewers are only seeing a single page and bouncing right back to the acquisition.


  • 67% of our users came to us via organic search. 28.5% were via direct method, 20.2% were via referral and 10.5% were via social media.

I wanted to further breakdown where our users are coming from. In May, this is what it looked like:

  • Google – 5,455
  • Direct   – 5,634
  • Spirit Daily – 3,049
  • Bing – 952
  • Facebook – 1,261
  • Duckduckgo – 655
  • Twitter – 745
  • Yahoo – 368
  • Other Social Networks – 210
  • – 471


    • We continue to see large increases in traffic on hot button issue articles. The site is indexing very quickly on Google and so people are finding the articles on the first page and following the link to the site.

PDF Documents

KSM Overview May 2021
Acquisition Overview May 2021
Acquisition Detail May 2021
Audience Overview May 2021
Mobile May 2021
Popular Links May 2021

April 2021 Web Traffic Report

Audience Overview

  • Of our 21,050 users, 20,024 of them were new users, each of them staying on a page for a minute and a half and viewing 2 pages per session.
  • We had 120 more people on their desktop visiting us in April than folks visiting from their phones.
  • We have 55,000 page views and a bounce rate of 69%. This tells us the majority of viewers are only seeing a single page and bouncing right back to the acquisition.


I wanted to further breakdown where our users are coming from. In April, this is what it looked like:

  • Google – 6.783
  • Direct   – 4, 472
  • Revolver.News – 3,941
  • – 1,035
  • Bing – 955
  • Facebook – 944
  • Duckduckgo – 633
  • Twitter – 546
  • Yahoo – 400
  • Other Social Networks – 353
  • – 327


  • We continue to see large increases in traffic on hot button issue articles. The site is indexing very quickly on Google and so people are finding the articles on the first page and following the link to the site.

PDF Documents

KSM Overview April 2021
Acquisition April 2021
Network Referrals April 2021
Acquisition Source April 2021
Audience Overview April 2021
Demographics April 2021
Mobile April 2021
Popular Links April 2021

Let’s Try Something New…I’ve decided to take some reports and run a comparison, side by side, within the same report, that will show any changes that have happened within the selected time periods. For example, we can run a quarter 4 2020 report on Demographics. This report will include all demographic information for Oct. 1, 2020 through December 31st 2020. We can also run a quarter 1 2021 report on Demographics, to include demographic information for January 1st, 2021 through March 31st, 2021. With the the output of  ONE SINGLE REPORT we can collect and compare this information easily. Check out what I am talking about by clicking the link below:

Catholic League Demographics Comparisons

The reports listed below contain these combined caparisons. This is a great feature that I am very excited about. Anything that puts future growth and the knowledge necessary to project that growth at the tips of my fingertips makes me happy! Let’s continue to grow together!

PDF Documents

KSM Overview Q1 2021
Acquisition Q1 2021
Audience Overview Q1 2021
Demographics Q1 2021
Mobile Q1 2021
Popular Links Q1 2021

March 2021 Web Traffic Report

Audience Overview

Of our 22,172 users this month, 20,295 of them were new users. 

Mobile Use

The largest amount of our traffic continues to come from mobile users, or anyone accessing the internet through anything other than a tablet or PC..

Demographics Overview

Men users are at 46.3%, while women are at 53.7%.

Acquisition Overview

Organic search brings in most of our users, at 44.9%. Social media users have gone down just a few percent and are now at 16%. 27.7% are direct users.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items.  We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

Weekly and Monthly Activities Feb 2021
KSM Overview Mar 2021
Acquisition Mar 2021
Audience Overview Mar 2021
Demographics Mar 2021
Mobile Mar 2021
Popular Links Mar 2021

February Web Traffic Report

Audience Overview

Of our 27,316 users this month, 24,344 of them were new users. 

Mobile Use

Mobile use continues to soar and is now at 51.77% of our users while desktop users are at 41.93%. The remaining users are viewing on a tablet.

Demographics Overview

Men users are at 57.2%, while women are at 42.8%.

Acquisition Overview

Organic search brings in most of our users, at 41.6%. We are increasing in social media users, which are now at 19.1%. 24.6% are direct users.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items.  We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

Weekly and Monthly Activities Feb 2021
KSM Overview Feb 2021
Acquisition Feb 2021
Audience Overview Feb 2021
Demographics Feb 2021
Mobile Feb 2021
Popular Links Feb 2021

January Web Traffic Report


Audience Overview

Of our 32,759 users this month, 30,743 of them were new users. 

Mobile Use

Mobile use continues to soar and is now at 54.89% of our users while desktop users are at 37.51%. The remaining users are viewing on a tablet.

Demographics Overview

Men users are at 52.5%, while women are at 47.5%.

Acquisition Overview

Organic search brings in most of our users, at 33.3%. We are increasing in social media users, which are now at 29.7%. 25.2% are direct users.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items.  We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Activites Jan 2021
KSM Overview Jan 2021
Acquisition Jan 2021
Audience Overview Jan 2021
Demographics Jan 2021
Mobile Jan 2021
Popular Links Jan 2021

Q1 2021 Web Traffic Report

All reports for 2021 Quarter 1 were run with a Q4 2020 comparison, within the same report, so you can see at a quick glance any changes to demographics, acquisition, behavior, etc., and easily compare the two quarters.

Audience Overview

Of our 22,172 users this month, 20,295 of them were new users. 

Mobile Use

The largest amount of our traffic continues to come from mobile users, or anyone accessing the internet through anything other than a tablet or PC..

Demographics Overview

Men users are at 46.3%, while women are at 53.7%.

Acquisition Overview

Organic search brings in most of our users, at 44.9%. Social media users have gone down just a few percent and are now at 16%. 27.7% are direct users.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items.  We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Overview Q1 2021
Acquisition Q1 2021
Audience Overview Q1 2021
Demographics Q1 2021
Mobile Q1 2021
Popular Links Q1 2021

March 2021 Web Traffic Report

Audience Overview

Of our 22,172 users this month, 20,295 of them were new users. 

Mobile Use

The largest amount of our traffic continues to come from mobile users, or anyone accessing the internet through anything other than a tablet or PC..

Demographics Overview

Men users are at 46.3%, while women are at 53.7%.

Acquisition Overview

Organic search brings in most of our users, at 44.9%. Social media users have gone down just a few percent and are now at 16%. 27.7% are direct users.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items.  We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

Weekly and Monthly Activities Feb 2021
KSM Overview Mar 2021
Acquisition Mar 2021
Audience Overview Mar 2021
Demographics Mar 2021
Mobile Mar 2021
Popular Links Mar 2021

February Web Traffic Report

Audience Overview

Of our 27,316 users this month, 24,344 of them were new users. 

Mobile Use

Mobile use continues to soar and is now at 51.77% of our users while desktop users are at 41.93%. The remaining users are viewing on a tablet.

Demographics Overview

Men users are at 57.2%, while women are at 42.8%.

Acquisition Overview

Organic search brings in most of our users, at 41.6%. We are increasing in social media users, which are now at 19.1%. 24.6% are direct users.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items.  We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

Weekly and Monthly Activities Feb 2021
KSM Overview Feb 2021
Acquisition Feb 2021
Audience Overview Feb 2021
Demographics Feb 2021
Mobile Feb 2021
Popular Links Feb 2021

January Web Traffic Report


Audience Overview

Of our 32,759 users this month, 30,743 of them were new users. 

Mobile Use

Mobile use continues to soar and is now at 54.89% of our users while desktop users are at 37.51%. The remaining users are viewing on a tablet.

Demographics Overview

Men users are at 52.5%, while women are at 47.5%.

Acquisition Overview

Organic search brings in most of our users, at 33.3%. We are increasing in social media users, which are now at 29.7%. 25.2% are direct users.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items.  We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Activites Jan 2021
KSM Overview Jan 2021
Acquisition Jan 2021
Audience Overview Jan 2021
Demographics Jan 2021
Mobile Jan 2021
Popular Links Jan 2021

4th Quarter Web Traffic Report

Oct-Dec 2020 

Audience Overview

89.4% of visitors were new users! The behavior overview, or popular links, is bringing them here!

Mobile Use

Mobile use continues to soar and is now consistently over half of our users. We are currently at 51.13%.

Demographics Overview

We’re consistently losing women viewers and attracting more men.  We need to keep an eye on this and monitor it. 

Acquisition Overview

We are continuing to attract a high level of traffic from both organic search and social media.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items.  We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Overview Q4 2020
Mobile Q4 2020
Demographics Q4 2020
Audience Overview Q4 2020
Acquisition Q4 2020

Popular Links Q4 2020

December Web Traffic Report

Audience Overview

Of our 21,901 users this month, 19,789 of them were new users. 

Mobile Use

Mobile use continues to soar and is now at 46.44% of our users, while desktop users are at 46.45%. The remaining users are viewing on a tablet.

Demographics Overview

We’re consistently losing women viewers and attracting more men.  Men users are at 59.5% while women are at 40.6%.

Acquisition Overview

We are continuing to attract a high level of traffic from both organic search and social media.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items.  We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Activities Dec 2020
KSM Overview Dec 2020
Acquisition Dec 2020
Audience Overview Dec 2020
Demographics Dec 2020
Mobile Dec 2020
Popular Links Dec 2020

November Web Traffic Report

Audience Overview

Of our 19,866 users this month, 17,626 of them were new users. 

Mobile Use

Mobile use continues to soar and is now at 48.05% of our users while desktop users are at 44.55%. The remaining users are viewing on a tablet.

Demographics Overview

We’re consistently losing women viewers and attracting more men.  Men users are at 61.6%, while women are at 38.4%.

Acquisition Overview

Organic search brings in most of our users, at 49%. 18.4% are coming in from social media and roughly 27% are direct users.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items.  We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Activities Nov 2020
KSM Overview Nov 2020
Demographics Nov 2020
Audience Overview Nov 2020
Acquisition Nov 2020
Mobile Nov 2020
Popular Links Nov 2020

October Web Traffic Report

Audience Overview

Of our 19,866 users this month, 17,626 of them were new users. 

Mobile Use

Mobile use continues to soar and is now at 54.63% of our users while desktop users are at 37.98%. The remaining users are viewing on a tablet.

Demographics Overview

Men users are at 54.4%, while women are at 45.6%.

Acquisition Overview

Organic search brings in most of our users, at 38%. 28.1% are coming in from social media and roughly 27.1% are direct users.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items.  We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Activites Oct 2020
KSM Overview Oct 2020
Mobile Oct 2020
Demographics Oct 2020
Audience Overview Oct 2020
Acquisition Oct 2020 P

Popular Links Oct 2020

6 Month Overview

April-Sept 2020

Kickstart Media Tasks

Weekly Activities

  • Check for and implement any software updates including WordPress, Themes and plugins
  • Remove any spam comments
  • Respond to requests from Don

Monthly Activites

  • Run website security scan and fix any problems.
  • Run speed test on website and fix any problems.
  • Check analytics and compile reports
  • Meet with Don to discuss specific goals and needs
  • Implement any speicifc requests from Don and team including site design changes, creation of new pages and templates, new book or product launches and social media questions and advice.
  • \Monitor security and warning messages from Wp-Engine and respond to all needed tasks to maintain security.

Additional Activities

  • Fix all emergencies that occur such as SSL issues, website down issues.
  • Fix Constant Contact integration with Facebook
  • Created new analytics page listing all reports.
  • Modified the website search engine to show most recent first per Bill’s wishes.
  • Ran quarterly software update and security sweep
  • 6 Month analytics and report
  • Design special promotion pages for books or events that come up.

Website Security and Platforms

We’ve been running Word Press software and utilizing a custom theme with assorted plugins. We run our store through Woo Commerce and are hosting our site using Wp-Engine. Kickstart Media keeps all of this updated, secure and configured properly.

We have had phenomenal uptime with the website since moving to Wp-Engine hosting and our website speed has been great. In addition, the platform has been exceptional at weeding out hacking attempts, issuing warnings and working with Kickstart Media to mitigate any potential problems.

Wp-engine also vets all updates from Word Press and makes recommendations on how we should handle potential situations. Kickstart Media then implements the recommendations or an alternative.

General Website Traffic Overview

This 6 month period has been heavily influenced by contemporary events, specifically Corona virus and the 2020 Election cycle. We have responded with timely articles responding to current events and have had a powerful impact.

As our traffic grows we are attracting a massive portion of our new visitors from search engines and social media, both which have grown at very high rates.

Audience Overview

Our traffic continues to stay steady with over 80% of the users coming to the site for the first time.

Mobile Use

Mobile use continues to soar and is now consistently over half of our users (55.20%)

Demographics Overview

Overall we are seeing growth in the over 55 age group. In most of the other age groups our market share has dropped.

Acquisition Overview

We are continuing to attract a high level of traffic from both organic search and social media. Social media traffic is up a staggering 110.35% so we’re doing a good job sharing articles on Facebook and Twitter.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items. We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

BM 6 Month April-Sept 2020 KSM4 Overview
BM 6 Month April-Sept 2020 Acquisition
BM 6 Month April-Sept 2020 Demographics
BM 6 Month April-Sept 2020 Mobile
BM 6 Month April-Sept 2020 Popular Articles
BM-October Popular Articles

3rd Quarter Web Traffic Report

July-Sept 2020

Audience Overview

Our traffic is up by over 15% since Q3 last year and most of this (10%) was mobile users.

Mobile Use

Mobile use continues to soar and is now consistently over half of our users.

Demographics Overview

We’re consistently losing women viewers and attracting more men. We need to keep an eye on this and monitor it.

Acquisition Overview

We are continuing to attract a high level of traffic from both organic search and social media.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items. We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Overview Q3 2020
Mobile Q3 2020
Demographics Q3 2020
Audience Overview Q3 2020
Acquisition Q3 2020

September Web Traffic Report

Audience Overview

New visitors grew to over 83% of our web traffic. We should consider strategies to bolster return visitors.

Mobile Use

53% of our users are now viewing on mobile devices. This tells us that even with our older demographics, many are on their phones. This bolsters the idea that we should redo the site in a more mobile friendly and contemporary style.

Demographics Overview

We lost a lot of women viewers this month and gained male viewers. We’ll keep tracking this.

Acquisition Overview

Search engine traffic soared to 50% of our traffic referrals. Whatever we’re doing here is working!

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items. We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Overview Sept 2020
Acquisition Sept 2020
Audience Overview Sept 2020
Demographics Sept 2020
Mobile Sept 2020
Popular Links Sept 2020

August Web Traffic Report

Audience Overview

New visitors grew to over 83% of our web traffic. We should consider strategies to bolster return visitors.

Mobile Use

60% of our users are now viewing on mobile devices. This tells us that even with our older demographics, many are on their phones. This bolsters the idea that we should redo the site in a more mobile friendly and contemporary style.

Demographics Overview

Our internet traffic is getting increasingly younger. Again, we should consider redoing the site and making it more mobile friendly with a more contemporary feel.

This would attract the younger demographic while maintaining our good statistics with the “older” crowd.

Acquisition Overview

Social media soared to almost half of our traffic referrals. Whatever we’re doing here is working!

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items. We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Overview August 2020
Demographics Aug 2020
Audience Overview Aug 2020
Acquisition Aug 2020
Mobile Aug 2020
Popular Links Aug 2020

July Web Traffic Report

Audience Overview

New visitors grew to over 83% of our web traffic. We should consider strategies to bolster return visitors.

Mobile Use

55% of our users are now viewing on mobile devices. This tells us that even with our older demographics, many are on their phones. This bolsters the idea that we should redo the site in a more mobile friendly and contemporary style.

Demographics Overview

Our internet traffic is getting increasingly younger. Again, we should consider redoing the site and making it more mobile friendly with a more contemporary feel. This would attract the younger demographic while maintaining our good statistics with the “older” crowd.

Acquisition Overview

Social media and Organic search make up the vast amount of our traffic. One area that could be bolstered is “referrals” from other websites. We have some of those but not as many as we should. We could work on a strategy to grow this pretty easily I believe.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items. We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Overview July 2020
Mobile Jul 2020
Demographics Jul 2020
Audience Overview Jul 2020
Acquisition July 2020

2nd Quarter Web Traffic Report

April-June 2020

Audience Overview

Our traffic is up by over 22% this quarter and we had over 200,000 page views.

Mobile Use

Desktop use has shrunk by 38% since Q2 last year. Mobile use continues to soar and is now consistently half of our users.

Demographics Overview

Overall our viewership has changed from mostly women to mostly men and is growing the fastest in the under 50 demographic.

Acquisition Overview

Social Media traffic has risen by over 108% since Q2 of 2019. This is an extraordinary rise!

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items. We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Overview Q2 2020
Acquisition Q2 2020
Audience Overview Q2 2020
Demographics Q2 2020
Mobile Q2 2020

June Web Traffic Report

Audience Overview

New visitors again make up over 80% of our web traffic. We should consider strategies to bolster return visitors.

Mobile Use

55% of our users are now viewing on mobile devices. This tells us that even with our older demographics, many are on their phones. This bolsters the idea that we should redo the site in a more mobile friendly and contemporary style.

Demographics Overview

Our internet traffic is getting increasingly younger.

Again, we should consider redoing the site and making it more mobile friendly with a more contemporary feel. This would attract the younger demographic while maintaining our good statistics with the “older” crowd.

Acquisition Overview

Users from Social media again soared this month and make up the largest source that we draw traffic from. Search engine traffic comes in at a close second. This is great because we are providing content that aligns with what people are searching for and interested in.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items. We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Overview June 2020
Popular Links Jun 2020
Mobile June 2020
Demographics Jun 2020
Audience Overview Jun 2020
Acquisition Jun 2020

May Web Traffic Report

Audience Overview

New visitors again make up over 80% of our web traffic. We should consider strategies to bolster return visitors.

Mobile Use

Over 50% of our users on mobile devices. This tells us that even with our older demographics, many are on their phones. This bolsters the idea  thatwe should redo the site in a more mobile friendly and contemporary style.

Demographics Overview

Our internet traffic is getting increasingly younger.

Again, we should consider redoing the site and making it more mobile friendly with a more contemporary feel.  This would attract the younger demographic while maintaining our good statistics with the “older” crowd.

Acquisition Overview

Users from Social media soared this month and make up the largest source that we draw traffic from. Search engine traffic comes in at a close second. This is great because we are providing content that aligns with what people are searching for and interested in.

Behavior Overview

Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items. We’re doing great with this!

PDF Documents

KSM Overview May 2020
Popular Links May 2020
Mobile May 2020
Demographics May 2020
Audience Overview May 2020
Acquisition May 2020

April 2020

Audience Overview
86% of the visitors to the site are new and 14% are returning. These visitors are viewing an average of 1.4 pages before they leave and our bounce rate is over 70%. All of this tells us that we are getting most of our traffic from search engines on hot topics. Many of these people are not staying or returning because they were searching for something specific, they found it and then they left.

Good: We’re attracting new people and giving them authentic Catholic commentary on issues that matter.

How we Can Improve: We can focus on raising the 14% and draw people into going directly to the website to see the “news” commentary. I would advise adding a section where there is a short daily commentary with links on Catholic issues. I know you don’t want to turn into a “news site,” but adding a bit of this would cause visitors to return daily and then see all of the commentary and press releases that they may have missed because they didn’t search specifically for it on Google.

Mobile Use
Just over 30% of our users are on computers and the rest are on mobile devices. This tells us that even with our older demographics, many are on their phones. This bolsters the idea that we should redo the site in a more mobile friendly and contemporary style.

Demographics Overview
34% of our traffic is under the age of 44. 31% is over 65. Internet use trends the opposite way.

Again, we should consider redoing the site and making it more mobile friendly with a more contemporary feel. This would attract the younger demographic while maintaining our good statistics with the “older” crowd.

Acquisition Overview
People are coming primarily from Search engines which has a high bounce rate. People who go directly to the site have a bounce rate that is 20% less which is excellent. We should consider Acquisition strategies that will lead more people to bookmark the site and return often and our bounce rate will continue to go down.

Behavior Overview
Most popular pages remain the press releases on controversial new items. Coronvirus response obviously dominated this.

Recommendations Overview
Consider redoing the site to a more contemporary style which focuses on mobile use and loading speed.

PDF Documents 

Kickstart Media Analytics Commentary April


Audience Overview



Popular Links