Bill Donohue comments on Pope Francis’ latest remarks condemning “gender ideology”:
Speaking with Polish bishops last week, Pope Francis pulled no punches in rejecting the notion that “everyone can choose their gender.”
“This is terrible,” he said bluntly. “Today in schools they are teaching this to children—to children!” He said this is part of the “ideological colonization” that “influential countries” are trying to impose on the world.
“We are living in a moment of annihilation of man as image of God,” the pope said. “God created man and woman, God created the world this way, this way, this way, and we are doing the opposite.” He told the Polish bishops, “We must think about what Pope Benedict said—’It’s the epoch of sin against God the Creator.'”
Thus did Pope Francis, not for the first time, reject political correctness in order to speak boldly and truthfully about the destructiveness—to children, to families and to society—of “gender ideology.”
We await—surely in vain—affirmation of the Pope’s remarks from mainstream media and Catholic dissidents who are selectively enamored by papal comments they find useful to their agenda. We won’t be holding our breath.
But his words are sure to be welcomed, across the world, by all who affirm the laws of nature and nature’s God.