Father Robert Batule is a member of the Catholic League, a sociology professor, author, Chaplain to the Society of Catholic Social Scientists and is associate pastor at Corpus Christi in Mineola, New York. His homilies are uniformly outstanding. On Christmas Day, he shared these thoughts with the congregation:

“In late November, the lower house of the Dutch parliament voted by a margin of 104 to 40 to sanction euthanasia. Little notice was taken of this development—perhaps because the practice has long been tolerated in the Netherlands. That, by the way, is usually the way it works. The culture of life loses incrementally to the culture of death—inch by inch, foot by foot and yard by yard until eventually the whole field is covered by shadows and darkness.”

Father Batule ended on a high note by reminding us that “Christmas is a fitting moment to renew our dedication to the Holy Eucharist.”