K-Rock radio in New York hosts Howard Stern and likes to play Marilyn-the Satanist-Manson tunes. So it wasn’t a shocker to learn that one of its D.J.’s recently ripped Pope John Paul II on the air.

Here’s a pretty close account of what “Cane” the D.J. had to say. “Man, am I glad I was raised Lutheran. What’s the deal with that pope guy anyway? Dirty old man walking around in a dress. I would not let me kid near that guy. You know what he has under that dress, don’t you? Candy for all the little kids he is after.”

A Brooklyn Catholic heard this and wrote to the station. We were delighted to know that an apology was quickly forthcoming. Moreover, we sent a letter to the station registering our concerns while gladly acknowledging the apology. We beckoned the program manager to advise his staff against any future outbursts of this kind.

What’s nice about this story is that the letter writer didn’t wait for the Catholic League to act first. He contacted us, along with eight other organizations, after he mailed his missive. It shows how much influence one person can have, never mind an organization.

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