Yesterday, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) added two new listings to its “Catholic” section on the links page of its website: America and Sojourners magazines.  The DNC still lists the anti-Catholic organization, Catholics for a Free Choice, on its website.

Catholic League president William Donohue explained the significance of the DNC’s latest move today:

“The DNC is feeling the heat but it still doesn’t get it.  By adding two Catholic magazines, it has done nothing to resolve the central issue: it needs to drop Catholics for a Free Choice.  Indeed, by adding America, the DNC has effectively rebuffed the American bishops.  Here’s why.

“On September 16, Rev. Msgr. William P. Fay, general secretary of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), wrote to DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe, requesting that it drop Catholics for a Free Choice from its website and add the USCCB.  McAuliffe has done neither.

“Now McAuliffe may argue that the USCCB is already listed on its website because one of its ‘Catholic’ listings, (an umbrella site), has the USCCB listed (under its former name, NCCB/USCC).  This argument, however, is disingenuous because America is already listed on the website.  What this means is that the DNC has rebuffed the request made by the bishops to list the USCCB on its website.

“Even if the DNC were to list the USCCB, it would still not satisfy the Catholic League.  Once again, it is the link between the DNC and a patently anti-Catholic organization that is at issue.  The DNC can list the Vatican for all we care: not until it drops its invidious relationship with Catholics for a Free Choice president Frances Kissling will this matter be resolved.”

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