Washington Times
Letter to the Editor
3600 New York Ave. N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002

Dear Editor:

The cartoon of February 10 by Peter Steiner shows a man speaking to a woman and her child at her front door, saying “We’re required by law to tell you that a sex offender is moving into your neighborhood. Don’t worry though, it’s the parish priest.”

One conclusion that recommends itself is that your paper is run by anti-Catholic bigots. But because I’m a nice guy, I’ll assume otherwise. I’ll assume that your newspaper just happens to like bashing the clergy, and by chance you decided it was time to take a crack at Catholics. That is why I look forward to your cartoon depicting the clergy of the Unification Church [Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s church owns the newspaper] . It should provide quite a laugh.

William A. Donohue

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