The following is the April 8 letter from Bill Donohue to the USAFA superintendent, John Regni:

Dear Lt. Gen. Regni:

By now I’m sure you know how furious many Catholics are for allowing Mikey Weinstein to run roughshod over them. In the event you are truly interested in having a real debate about the Catholic Church and anti-Semitism, perhaps you will direct faculty and cadets to the books I’ve sent to your librarian (one of which is enclosed). If you would like many more copies, please let me know. And there are plenty of other books I can send as well, if you would like.

I can assure you that we are going to monitor all future events that touch on matters Catholic. Weinstein isn’t the only one who is prepared to deal with this issue.


William A. Donohue, Ph.D.


The following is a list of all the officials we contacted about this outrageous assault on Catholicism:

Senate Armed Services Committee: Daniel K. Akaka, Evan Bayh, Saxby Chambliss, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Elizabeth Dole, Lindsey Graham, James Inhofe, Ted Kennedy, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Claire McCaskill, Bill Nelson, E. Benjamin Nelson, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Jeff Sessions, John Thune, John Warner, Jim Webb, Roger F. Wicker; House Armed Services Committee: Ike Skelton, John Spratt, Solomon Ortiz, Gene Taylor, Neil Abercrombie, Silvestre Reyes, Vic Snyder, Adam Smith, Loretta Sanchez, Mike McIntyre, Ellen Tauscher, Robert Brady, Robert Andrews, Susan Davis, Rick Larson, Rick Cooper, Jim Marshall, Madeleine Bordallo, Mark Udall, Dan Boren, Brad Ellsworth, Nancy Boyda, Patrick Murphy, Hank Johnson, Carol Shea-Porter, Joe Courtney, Dave Loebsack, Kirsten Gillibrand, Joe Sestak, Gabrielle Giffords, Niki Tsongas, Elijah Cummings, Kendrick Meek, Kathy Castor, Duncan Hunter, Jim Saxton, John M. McHugh, Terry Everett, Roscoe Bartlett, Buck McKeon, Mac Thornberry, Walter B. Jones, Robin Hayes, Todd Akin, J. Randy Forbes, Jeff Miller, Joe Wilson, Frank A. LoBiondo, Tom Cole, Rob Bishop, Michael Turner, John Kline, Phil Gingrey, Mike Rogers, Trent Franks, Bill Shuster, Thelma Drake, Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, Michael Conaway, Geoff Davis, Rob Wittman; Board of Visitors: Ms. Sue C. Ross, Mr. Charles P. Garcia, Dr. Gail A. Jaquish, Ph.D., Mr. A. J. Scribante, State Senator Jackie Winters, Mr. H. Gary Morse, Senator Bob Bennett,  Mr. Terry C. Isaacson, Congressman Doug Lamborn, Congressman Peter DeFazio, Senator Wayne Allard;Secretary of the Air Force: Michael W. Wynne; Secretary of Defense: Dr. Robert M. Gates


The following is the April 10 letter from Bill Donohue calling off the investigation and putting the issue to rest:

As the enclosed news release indicates, the United States Air Force Academy cancelled yesterday’s planned airing of clips from the documentary “Constantine’s Sword.” The change in yesterday’s presentation on the war on terror came about after protests from the Catholic League.

I spoke with Lt. Gen. John F. Regni, Superintendent of the Academy, and commended him for his decision not to subject cadets to this anti-Catholic film. As I told him, we consider this matter closed, and are withdrawing our request for a formal investigation by the Board of Visitors into events on the campus.

Thank you for your attention to this issue.


William A. Donohue, Ph.D.