Bill Donohue

If those pushing for women priests were to learn that only women who are loyal to the teachings of the Catholic Church were to be ordained, they would oppose it. Dissidents have long hated Mother Angelica and Mother Teresa, as well as orders of nuns such as the Sisters of Life. Make no mistake, their mad quest for women priests is nothing but a mad quest for power.

On August 6, Pope Francis closed the door on women priests once again. When returning from World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal, he was specifically asked why, if the Church is open to everyone, does it not ordain women and support gay marriage? “The Church is open to everyone but there are laws that regulate life inside the Church,” he said.

Two days later, a magazine that once supported Joseph Stalin, The Nation, published a piece arguing for women priests. The author cited the heroics of Victoria Rue, a champion of women priests. She is a classic advocate for this cause.

Rue has had two abortions, which helps to explain why she is a rabid advocate of abortion rights. She even considers herself to be a priest. Which raises the question: If that is the case—if this is a do-it-yourself religion—why bother lobbying to change Church teachings? But deep down, she knows she is no more a priest than a man who claims to be a woman is a woman. There appears to be no limit to delusional thinking these days.

The upcoming Synod on Synodality will draw more dissidents to push for women priests, gay marriage, etc. One of the groups promoting this agenda is the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests. It is a group of malcontents, dissident priests unhappy with Church teachings on an array of issues. They met recently in San Diego, in what were dubbed “listening sessions.”

One of the priests, Fr. Kwame Assenyoh, made it clear that he had had it with listening. He called on those in attendance to start implementing some of their ideas right now in their parishes. “We should not wait for Rome to come out with a big book before we start doing things.” Others urged everyone to follow the Germans, who want to Protestantize the Catholic Church. Ironically, the dissident Germans are pushing the faithful out the door. Not exactly a blueprint for success.

Ruth Fitzpatrick died in July. Almost no one ever heard of her, but the there was one newspaper—and only one—in the entire world that ran an obit on her. The New York Times.

What was so special about this 90-year-old woman who died that inspired the Times to write a 1200-word obit on her, when every other media outlet ignored her? She spent her life pursuing the mad quest for women priests. She was so confident that the Church would give in to her pipe dream that she once said women priests would become a reality by 2000.

The Catholic Church, beginning with its unparalleled reverence for Our Blessed Mother, has done much to secure standing for women. This partly explains why women attend Mass more than men, and by a significant margin.

The few who continue to carp are mostly disaffected old ladies, nuns and priests, and those who have completely lost the faith, if not their minds. They are a sorry crew, and one best ignored, even by the New York Times.

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