Catholic League president Bill Donohue addresses remarks made by Sarah Silverman last night on Joy Behar’s show:

On “The View” yesterday, they played a small portion of Sarah Silverman’s obscene rant against Pope Benedict XVI that she made last October on Bill Maher’s show; it omitted the most vile comments she made. Last night, she was questioned about this incident by Joy Behar and instead of apologizing, she doubled down: she said that if the pope sells the Vatican, “any involvement in the Holocaust” will be discounted.

When asked whether we should accept Mel Gibson’s apology for his drunken anti-Semitic comments made four years ago, she made a snide remark dismissing the apology altogether. Then she added, “I don’t think he has a problem with the Jews, he just wants to clear up the fact that the Holocaust never happened.”

Here are the facts: the pope’s “involvement” in the Holocaust was to be conscripted into the Hitler Youth program, along with every other young German boy at that time; he escaped when he got the chance. To libel him the way Silverman did is downright despicable.

Gibson never denied the Holocaust. His father, Hutton, has made some loopy comments doubting the extent of the Holocaust, but Mel Gibson never said anything like that. Ergo, he was also libeled.

Sarah Silverman uses obscene language about the pope, libels him, repeats the offense, extends no apology, is hailed as a hero and suffers no penalty. Furthermore, she declines to accept Gibson’s apology, libels him, refuses to apologize, is hailed as a hero and suffers no penalty.

Some say that Silverman was just joking. We’re not buying it. So was Imus.

Chris Robichaud is president of Silverman’s publicist company.

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