Catholic League president William Donohue issued the following statement today regarding the Democratic National Committee (DNC):

“Last week, we ran an ad in the National Catholic Register against the DNC.  Now we are running the ad again, only this time it will appear in the September 22 edition of Our Sunday Visitor; it is another influential Catholic weekly with a national readership At issue is the invidious relationship between the DNC and an anti-Catholic organization, Catholics for a Free Choice (CFFC).  Below is the text of the ad.”



On the website of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), there is a link to organizations of interest.  Astonishingly, under the “Catholic” banner is a notoriously anti-Catholic organization, Catholics for a Free Choice (CFFC).  The head of this group, Frances Kissling, has said it is her goal to “overthrow” the Catholic Church.  Moreover, she has sought to silence the voice of the Vatican in the U.N. and has twice been denounced by the bishops as a fraud.

We have asked the DNC to stop its association with CFFC but it refuses.  That is why we are asking you to join our campaign.  Let the DNC know of your outrage by calling them at 202-863-8000; fax at 202-863-8174; email at

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