Bill Donohue

Is anyone at the Vatican vetting the pope’s mail, including emails, or doing a little digging to find out if the letter writers are using him for their own agenda?

A Catholic News Agency story today says that Pope Francis recently thanked Stan “JR” Zerkowski for his work with homosexuals and the sexually confused. But does he really know what this guy has been up to?

Zerkowski is the most famous Catholic LGBT activist in Kentucky. He is the head of the “LGBTQ Outreach Community” for the Diocese of Lexington, and the leader of Fortunate Families, another queer dissident outlet. He received a letter from the pope earlier this month—it is posted online—in which the pope said, “Thank you for your ministry.”

I am well aware of Zerkowski’s mission. Over two years ago, I wrote to his boss, Lexington Bishop John Stowe, asking whether he agreed with his public support for the Equality Act, the most anti-Catholic piece of legislation ever written. He did not reply.

What prompted me to write was Zerkowski’s op-ed of June 17, 2021 in the Lexington Herald-Leader lauding the bill. Here is part of what I said.

“The Equality Act has several times been highly criticized by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and many religious bodies. According to the USCCB, ‘The Equality Act takes the unprecedented step of exempting itself from RFRA (the Religious Freedom Restoration Act), thereby explicitly shrinking Americans’ federal right of free exercise of religion. This would greatly diminish individuals’ and faith-based organizations’ ability to prevail in the court decision.’”

I added that “If the Equality Act were to become law, it could close Catholic hospitals that do not perform abortions and force Catholic doctors who are capable of doing sex-reassignment surgery to do so, thus violating their conscience rights. There are many other serious elements to this bill that threaten Catholic civil rights.”

I also made mention of Fortunate Families’ extremism, stating that “it has a history of clashing with Catholic teachings. In 2015, its application to exhibit at the World Meeting of Families [a major Catholic event] was denied precisely for this reason.”

Does Pope Francis know about any of this?

Does he know that under the tutelage of Zerkowski that his ministry draped an image of Our Blessed Mother in a gay pride flag, posting it online, calling Jesus’ mother the “Mother of Pride”?

Does the pope know that on the website of Fortunate Families they are hawking a book that says it is “unethical” and “harmful to children” for parents to accept “the gender [of their child] that matches the sex on their birth certificates”?

In other words, if parents do not object to their son being a boy, or their daughter being a girl, they are acting in an “unethical” and “harmful” way. The logical remedy is for parents to invite their children to rebel against their nature. In a sane society, such parents would be arrested for child abuse.

This is not normal. Pope Francis has previously called gender ideology “demonic.” That is too kind a word to describe this obscenity.

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