592187_442063635820367_683265698_nBill Donohue comments on the decision by officials from Piedmont, Alabama to bow to pressure from bigots:

Yesterday, we congratulated city officials in Piedmont, Alabama for its “Let’s Keep Christ in Christmas” theme for this year’s Christmas parade; the event is December 4. What was kept quiet, until now, is the news that on the day after the Freedom from Religion Foundation contacted them threatening a legal confrontation, November 25, the attorney for Piedmont agreed to rename the celebration the City of Piedmont Christmas Parade.

To give in to bullies who seek to scrub America clean of our Judeo-Christian heritage is wrong, but in a time of scarce resources, we understand the predicament. What these cultural fascists will not succeed in doing is stopping the Catholic League from sending people like them a pointed message this Christmas season. Check back tomorrow for what we are unveiling on the west coast.

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