Since the last edition of Catalyst, we addressed more than twenty important issues, ranging from anti-Catholicism in the arts to insulting politicians, but none commanded our attention more than three subjects: the Oxford Union, Covington Catholic High School, and the new abortion laws in New York and Virginia.

We garnered significant press coverage for all three issues. There were newspaper stories in the U.S. and the U.K., internet articles, radio interviews, TV appearances, YouTube videos—our role was noted in many key venues. As always, some of the coverage was fair, and some was biased. We drew the applause of many, and the enmity of others.

If there was a connecting thread that bound these issues together, it was lying. The Oxford Union, after inviting Bill Donohue to participate in a debate, disinvited him, and then lied about it. Many of the critics of the Covington students lied about what happened (others were merely mistaken). The governors of New York and Virginia had a hard time telling the truth about their cruel abortion laws. We exposed all of them.

This edition details how these issues unfolded.

Donohue made himself available to the media in England, answering all questions. Everyone associated with the Oxford Union—officials and debating participants alike—refused to speak. This included Marci Hamilton, the Church-bashing lawyer who was invited to take Donohue’s place defending the Catholic Church!

Unlike so many others, we did not rush to judgment on the Covington Catholic students. When the facts emerged, we weighed in defending the innocent students and taking on the Indian and black bigots who were responsible for the fracas.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo from New York and Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam both promoted late-term abortions and beyond: they justified no penalties for infanticide. We graphically told what they were endorsing and unmasked their lying agenda.

Here’s the good news.

The Oxford Union never expected the kind of blowback we initiated. The fact that they could not defend themselves was not lost on the English media or the public. By contrast, we came out on top by extending ourselves to the press.

The critics of the Covington students either apologized or were made to look like fools. We were quick to acknowledge the apologies and just as quick to note the anti-Catholic bigots who sided with the instigators.
Cuomo and Northam took it on the chin. They expected that their bloody abortion laws would amount to no more than a one-day story. We helped ensure that did not happen.

Our response was quick and fair.

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