In the last issue of Catalyst, we ran a critical piece on Fox News Channel talk-show host Bill O’Reilly. After criticizing him in a news release for misrepresenting the pope, and for his harsh condemnations of the Holy Father, O’Reilly struck back at the Catholic League on two consecutive evenings.

We could care less what O’Reilly says about the Catholic League, but we do take seriously his continued vendetta against the pope. On April 9, O’Reilly blamed the pope for decisions made by Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles. This guy actually thinks the pope monitors the words of bishops all over the world! On April 12, he blasted the pope for calling the war in Iraq “immoral.” But the pope never said such a thing.

If O’Reilly wants to offer fair criticism of the pope, he will never hear from us. But when cheap shots are made at the Holy Father, or when patently false remarks are attributed to him, the Catholic League will respond.

O’Reilly needs to stop the spin.