He has long been known in Nebraska for his bigotry. And on August 29, he struck again. State senator Ernie Chambers went on a rampage blasting Catholics in front of wealthy businessmen at a luncheon hosted by the Suburban Rotary Club of Omaha.

Chambers, who is black, attacked the Catholic Church before an all-white audience. “The Catholic Church is more effective as a criminal enterprise than the mafia,” he said. Twice before we’ve tangled with Chambers. We did not hesitate to brand him “an anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic, racist state senator who hates America.”

For proof, we offered the following: Chambers has engaged in the most virulent anti-Catholic remarks while opposing school vouchers; he has disfigured Catholic devotional objects and distributed them to his colleagues; he has been denounced by several leading Jews for his anti-Semitic remarks; his comments regarding white people have earned him the label “one of the biggest racists in Omaha”; he has been crassly dismissive over 9-11 saying, “It didn’t affect me at all”; and he has accused President Bush of being a drunken moral coward who is bent on starting World War Three.

We were disappointed that the Rotarians in Omaha would welcome such a bigot and that is why we wrote to Rotarian officials. Because an AP story said that those at the luncheon were “unfazed” by Chambers’ remarks, we asked if the state senator’s comments are “the kind of sentiment [that] accurately reflects the position of your organization.”

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