The National Abortion & Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL) has a way of sticking its nose in where it doesn’t belong. Everyone knows its passion for abortion, but what is still not well-known is its penchant for Catholic bashing.

In one of its typical demagogic appeals for more money, NARAL recently warned that the freedom to kill unborn children was being jeopardized by Catholic hospitals. It complained that the 40,000 members of Better Health Plan were now going to have to live without abortion services because Fidelis Care New York, a Catholic HMO, was buying it out. “This could easily happen to you or me,” the letter moaned, “because this scenario is being repeated all over New York State—and all over the country….”

NARAL then unloaded: “The strongest force behind these mergers is the Catholic Church, which is gobbling up smaller hospitals and managed care companies at an unprecedented rate—currently accounting for one of every six hospital admissions in the United States.”

Yup, it’s those Catholics again. They keep gobbling up hospitals, the result being that more kids live, thus frustrating the ambitions of NARAL. They ought to change their name to the National Association to Railroad American Lives.