Catholic League president Bill Donohue explained the latest strategy for dealing with Miller’s sponsorship of anti-Catholicism:

“We’re not going away. After having sent the most unbelievable photos of decadent anti-Catholicism to all the priests, ministers, rabbis and imams in Milwaukee, we are now hitting the civic associations. Because there are so many, we are choosing a select group each week. Today’s mailing targets the following organizations:

·   Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
·   Federation For Civic Action
·   Greater Milwaukee Convention
·   Visitor Information Center
·   American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin
·   Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin
·   VISIT Milwaukee Corporate Office
·   Community Development
·   Sherman Park Community Association
·   Community Enterprises of Milwaukee

“There will be ten more next week. And so on. We want all the leaders in Milwaukee—in both religious and secular circles—to know exactly the kind of Catholic-bashing event that Miller Brewing recently sponsored. We are looking for a pledge from Miller indicating that it will no longer sponsor public attacks on Roman Catholicism. Once that is achieved, we will cancel the boycott and the anti-Miller PR campaign.”

To contact Miller, write to Julian Green, spokesman,, call 1-800-MILLER 6 or send a fax to 414-931-3732.

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