Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented today on the news that Isaac Hayes has quit “South Park” because of an episode that attacked his religion, the Church of Scientology:

“It is nothing short of amazing to read that ‘South Park’ co-creator Matt Stone is now charging Isaac Hayes with ‘intolerance and bigotry’ for not complaining earlier about all the shows ‘South Park’ did ‘making fun of Christians.’  Forget about Hayes—the real issue here is the two-faced, super-bratty response from Stone.  For him to lecture Hayes on intolerance and bigotry is on the order of John Gotti lecturing Curtis Sliwa on ethics.  After all, it was on ‘South Park’ last year that they depicted the Virgin Mary spraying blood from her vagina.  How would Stone know anything about tolerance?

“And now we learn that Stone and his buddy Trey Parker were moved to take a shot at Scientology because they were ticked off that their equally foul-mouthed friend, Penn Jillette, was banned from ripping Scientology on his crude Showtime series, ‘Bulls – – t.’  Forget about Stone and Parker—the real issue here is the cowardly, hypocritical response from Jillette.  Last year, Jillette went on a rampage against Mother Teresa calling her ‘Mother F- – king Teresa.’  Yet this same big oaf hasn’t got the guts to slam Scientologists for fear of upsetting his bigoted boss, Sumner Redstone (he is chairman of Viacom, which owns Showtime).  As for Redstone, he wrote to me last August defending Jillette’s assault on Mother Teresa saying ‘we as an organization are committed to artistic freedom.’  Not when it comes to Scientologists—their penchant for filing lawsuits scares the daylights out of him.

“What does it take to get the New York-Hollywood gang to stop with their Catholic bashing?  Threats of beheadings?  Threats of lawsuits?  Seems that way.  What ever happened to common decency?”

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