Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the latest news regarding the California confessional bill:

Over the past several months, the Catholic League has been a vociferous opponent of a bill that would break the seal of the Confessional in California in cases where the sexual abuse of a minor was discussed.

Initially, the priest-penitent privilege was to be gutted altogether, then the bill was amended to apply to two categories of people: other priests or co-workers of the priest hearing the confession. While this was an improvement, it still allowed the government to police a sacrament of the Catholic Church.

A hearing on this issue is scheduled for July 9th by the Public Safety Committee. Fortunately, leaders in many faith communities are opposing SB 360, which is sponsored by Sen. Jerry Hill. The chairman of this committee, Assemblyman Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer, is a key player in weighing this seriously flawed legislation. Please contact him and let him know of your opposition.


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