Recently, two victims’ watchdog groups, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) and, responded to reports on sexual abuse. Once again they proved that they are not to be trusted.

The day before the Vatican issued its guidelines on how to address sex abuse, SNAP condemned them. The day prior to the  release of the John Jay report on the “Causes and Context” of abuse, BishopAccountability condemned the study.

Their credibility was shot long ago—both are relentless critics of the Church and neither is open to reason. Regrettably, not everyone has figured them out, and this includes many in the media. Either that, or the enemies of the Church are just given a pass.

Their actions should have been a wake-up call to fair-minded journalists. If any critics are to be deemed credible, they must first pass the test of rationality. But to these two groups, evidence doesn’t matter. They’ve made up their minds, and nothing the Church does can change it.

Those in the media who continue to give voice to these irrational sources cast doubt on their own integrity.

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