Cardinal Roger Mahoney will celebrate Mass at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on the morning of September 26, as part of the festivities marking the inaugural event of Catholics in the Media (CIM), an association of Catholics in the entertainment business.

The group, founded by Jack Shea, a director/producer and his wife, Patt who is a writer, was formed in response to requests from the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, on whose communications committee the Sheas serve.

According to The Tidings, the group was established to serve as a forum in which members would be able to share thoughts of how their faith informs the work they do. “In this group,” said Jack Shea, “people can pray, share their faith and talk about ways that they can serve the church.” Capuchin Father Anthony Scannell, former president of Franciscan Communications is the CIM chaplain. The group’s honorary committee includes Alan Alda, MacDonald Carey, Tony Danza, Kevin Dobson, Bob Hope, Ann Jillian, Carroll O’Connor, Gregory Peck and Loretta Young Lewis.

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