In October, Catholic League Review, the Catholic League’s Long Island television show, hosted Bob Peters of Morality in Media, local Catholic activist Jacques Casanova and educator Dr. Catherine Hickey.

The discussion with Bob Peters and Bill Donohue centered on how the media have changed over the past decade, both in the film industry and the television industry. Peters, an attorney with considerable experience in First Amendment law, proved to be a lively and informative guest.

Jacques Casanova is a parishioner at St. Joseph’s Church in Garden City and is known for his work in promoting school vouchers and for monitoring the public schools on Long Island. Casanova attended the Central Park Mass that the Holy Father presided over and used that experience as a platform for his remarks. Casanova adopted vintage Catholic League style by aggressively tackling Frances Kissling’s phony group, Catholics for a Free Choice.

Dr. Catherine Hickey, Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of New York, did two shows for Catholic League Review. The first focused on the reasons why Catholic schools have such a good academic record, and the second part dealt with Catholic values and how they impact on the curriculum. The discussion with Dr. Hickey demonstrated why Catholic schools are so lucky to have people of her caliber directing them.