White Papers and Essays

Good Riddance: Penn. Attorney General Steps Down

By |2019-08-26T16:01:15-04:00August 16th, 2016|Categories: White Papers and Essays|

By Bill Donohue This article was originally published by CNSNews.com August 16, 2016. Finally, there is some justice in Pennsylvania. Its Attorney General Kathleen Kane has been found guilty on nine counts, including two felony perjury charges; she was also convicted of criminal conspiracy and obstruction of justice. The six men and six women on the jury [...]

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The End of Faith-Based Programs Is Near

By |2021-02-16T09:31:34-05:00August 5th, 2016|Categories: White Papers and Essays|

By Bill Donohue This article was originally published by CNSNews.com July 28, 2016. Here is a story no one is talking about: the Democrats have given up on faith-based programs. The Democratic Party Platform does not say a word about government sponsored faith-based programs, thus closing a chapter in their playbook. After George W. Bush won [...]

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Soros-Funded Catholic Left Is Dishonest

By |2017-03-20T17:46:50-04:00July 19th, 2016|Categories: White Papers and Essays|

By Bill Donohue This article was originally published by CNSNews.com July 19, 2016. Catholics are as divided as the rest of the nation when it comes to voting, and many look to activist Catholic groups for guidance. While there are good people on both sides, not every organization that adopts the Catholic label is to be [...]

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“Jesus’ Wife” Hoax Verified

By |2019-09-26T18:54:55-04:00June 27th, 2016|Categories: White Papers and Essays|

By Bill Donohue This article was originally published by CNSNews.com June 27, 2016. In 2012, Harvard professor Karen L. King told the world that we need to rethink Jesus' alleged celibacy. In all likelihood, she concluded, Jesus had a wife. Her evidence? She was in possession of a fragment of papyrus that was inscribed with the [...]

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Gay Activists Blame Christians for Orlando Attack: Their Issue Is Sex, Not Violence

By |2017-03-20T17:46:56-04:00June 17th, 2016|Categories: White Papers and Essays|

By Bill Donohue This article was originally published by CNSNews.com June 17, 2016. The man responsible for the Orlando killings, we’re told, was a devout Muslim who attended a mosque several times a week, brought a prayer rug to work, pledged his allegiance to ISIS, cheered the 9/11 massacre, traveled to Saudi Arabia, and was raised [...]

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No Moral Obligation to Ensure Income Equality, Only Equitable Conditions

By |2019-09-26T18:55:36-04:00June 9th, 2016|Categories: White Papers and Essays|

By Bill Donohue This article was originally published by CNSNews.com on June 9, 2016. Income inequality is a natural outcome of many factors, and can never be eliminated; it is a universal fact of life. Whether it is a problem has much to do with expectations, as well as with the actual living conditions of those [...]

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Trump Is a Man of the People

By |2017-03-20T17:46:57-04:00June 2nd, 2016|Categories: White Papers and Essays|

Bill Donohue This article was originally published by Newsmax on June 2, 2016. The rise of Donald Trump has totally confounded the chattering class. This is as true for conservatives as it is for liberals. Never in recent history have more deep-thinkers been wrong about a presidential candidate than now. That's because all the books they've [...]

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Transgender Policies Based on Feelings, Not Biology

By |2019-09-26T18:56:22-04:00May 26th, 2016|Categories: White Papers and Essays|

Bill Donohue This article was originally published by Newsmax on May 25, 2016. Looks like old Descartes got it wrong. "Cogito ergo sum," or, "I think therefore I am," has been superseded by "Sentio ergo sum," or, "I feel therefore I am." Welcome to the post-Oprah world of feelings. "Follow your feelings. If it feels right, [...]

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Trump Taps Into Mass Mistrust

By |2016-10-20T14:08:07-04:00April 22nd, 2016|Categories: White Papers and Essays|

No one who has ever run for president has generated more opposition, from both his own party and the media, than Donald Trump. Yet they have all failed to stop him. The Republican elite lined up to promote Jeb Bush, and when Trump started to soar, they sought to bring him down. News reporters and pundits, [...]

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Religious Liberty Under Fire in Georgia

By |2017-03-20T17:47:09-04:00March 24th, 2016|Categories: White Papers and Essays|

Bill Donohue This article was originally published by Newsmax on March 24, 2016. The two Democrats running for president are rarely asked to address religious liberty issues, and that is because everyone knows that neither Hillary Clinton nor Sen. Bernie Sanders places much of a premium on such matters. The three Republican candidates are more likely [...]

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