Special Note to Members by Bill Donohue

There is no bigger anti-Catholic bigot in the entertainment industry than Bill Maher. We have detailed some of his assaults branding all priests as child rapists going back to the 1990s (please go to our website to read our report). The final straw came on November 22 when he invited another raving anti-Catholic bigot, Dan Savage, to rip the pope.

That did it for me. I not only contacted the board of directors of Time Warner, the parent company of HBO (Maher’s show airs on Friday nights on Home Box Office, a pay-per-view channel), I wrote to over 400 bishops asking for them to contact Time Warner, as well. Many have.

Here is what I told the press:

“The board of directors at Time Warner cannot distance themselves from Bill Maher any longer. On Friday night, Maher teed up Dan Savage, another anti-Catholic bigot. What happened was particularly vicious.

“Maher commented on gay couples who adopt children, alleging that a Hawaiian bishop said these kids had a greater chance of committing suicide. Here is how Savage responded: “That’s total bulls***. He’s confusing children of gay parents with children who are raped by Catholic priests. Sorry, I am just done being lectured about children and their safety by Catholic-f***ing bishops, priests, cardinals.” Shortly thereafter, Savage again remarked about “kiddie-f***ing Catholic priests.”

“We are sending to every member of Time Warner’s board of directors a copy of 54 anti-Catholic statements made by Bill Maher on TV. Friday’s show concluded the season. The time has come to close this show once and for all.

The new season of “Real Time with Bill Maher” is scheduled to begin January 17. I am writing to every bishop in the nation requesting that they write to Jeff Bewkes, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO, Time Warner, Inc. The show deserves to be cancelled.

Everyone else is urged to e-mail Keith Cocozza, VP, Corporate Communications:

What You Can Do

Please either email Keith Cocozza, or write a letter to the man who heads Time Warner:

Mr. Jeff Bewkes
Chairman and CEO
Time Warner, Inc.
One Time Warner Center
New York, New York 10019

Martin Bashir was dropped from MSNBC for speaking about Sarah Palin in a vile way. Phil Robertson, of “Duck Dynasty” fame, was suspended by A&E for remarks he made about homosexuality. What Maher has said is far worse, both qualitatively and quantitatively. He is a foul-mouthed bigot who would have been canned a long time ago had he used obscene language to denigrate any other group, over and over again.

The time for Maher to go is now.

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