Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on an atheist group’s latest failures:

Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is the most unhinged atheist organization in the nation. They are looking increasingly foolish, taking on cases that undermine their credibility.

Taylor County, Texas has drawn the ire of FFRF. Why? Among other things, employees in municipal buildings have been known to have crosses on their desks. Another worker had the nerve to have a painting with a Bible verse on his desk. “God Bless America” signs were also found, including one on the door of the Veterans’ Service Office.

FFRF sees all Christian symbols as analogous to swastikas. That’s just how far gone they are. Ironically, their zeal in scrubbing the public sector free of every vestige of Christianity is reminiscent of Nazism. Freedom of religion, and freedom of speech, are twin liberties found objectionable by fascists in every nation.

Lawyers for Taylor County had to remind FFRF that the Supreme Court has said many times that historical phrases such as “God Bless America” do not violate the Constitution. Neither do religious symbols owned and worn by citizens as part of their apparel: Americans do not lose their rights by stepping inside a government facility.

Similarly, just last week, the Cullman County School Board in Alabama voted unanimously to add “In God We Trust” to school displays. It is, of course, our national motto, but to FFRF that doesn’t count—it is still an obscenity. They said they were “considering the best legal options for this rash of legislation.”

We would encourage the leadership of FFRF to sue. That way they can drain their coffers in another losing effort.

Losing is one thing. Losing while looking foolish is quite another.


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