The Catholic League is employing two strategies to get the Miller Brewing Company to issue a pledge never again to sponsor an anti-Catholic event: a boycott of Miller beer and an anti-Miller PR campaign. Both are in full gear.

We have mailed a select group of photos taken from the Folsom Street Fair to the 211 Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee (home of Miller Brewing), as well as to Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan. We also hit all 166 Protestant churches in Milwaukee and blanketed all the synagogues and mosques as well. Next on our list are all the Milwaukee civic associations. We want all the major parties in Milwaukee to know exactly what Miller stands for—S&M and Catholic bashing.

Not to be outdone, we sent several of the most shocking photos—ones that we cannot put on our website—to the top officers at Miller. If this doesn’t shake them, nothing will.

When we learned that Molson Coors was planning to merge with Miller—it will be called MillerCoors—we sent all the officers at Molson Coors the shocking pictures as well. The pictures literally show men having sex in the street in broad daylight. The police were under orders not to arrest anyone.

Not only are we receiving the support of many advocacy organizations like the Thomas More Law Center, we are pleased to say that our Internet service provider, Catholic Online, has informed us that our website is receiving unprecedented traffic. No wonder—people cannot believe what they’re seeing.

Additionally, priests across the nation are advising their parishioners not to buy Miller beer. And, most importantly, a beer store owner from Lake Orion, Michigan, Mike Setto, has cancelled all orders of Miller beer. He appeared on several TV and radio shows, most prominently “Fox and Friends.”

We will not back away from this fight. We’re in it for the long run. You can help by contacting Miller yourself. Here’s the information:

Tom Long
Chief Executive Officer
Miller Brewing Company
3939 W Highland Blvd.
Milwaukee, WI 53208-2816

Phone: 414-931-2000 or
1-800-MILLER 6
Fax: 414-931-3732

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