The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of homosexuals dressed as nuns, have events scheduled for Good Friday and Easter Sunday in San Francisco. On Good Friday, they will sponsor “Hot Cross Buns,” a fetish fashion show that provides “a chance to get spanked” (free Sticky Buns are awarded to those who get spanked). Dr. Carol Queen will be there featuring his/her (?) Good Vibrations Dildo Fashion Show.

On Easter Sunday, The Great Tricycle Race will take place in the Castro district. It will conclude with the Sisters’ annual Easter Bonnet and Hunky Jesus contest.

William Donohue, president of the Catholic League, commented as follows:

“Homosexuals can get dressed up as nuns, win the support of local government officials, receive a tax-exempt status for their efforts, and can do virtually anything they want to insult Catholics, just so long as they don’t ride their tricycles without a helmet. Too bad we don’t send them to Cuba and let Elian stay here—then they could learn how much tolerance Fidel has for their lifestyle, with or without their helmets.”

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