A pro-life group, Life Always, has displayed a huge billboard in the SoHo section of New York City that shows a picture of a young black girl with the inscription, “The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.” It has created a firestorm in New York City.
The organization responsible for the billboard has the strong backing of prominent African Americans; they chose to display their message during Black History Month. Rev. Stephen Broden, an African American who heads Life Always, says he wants to protest abortion as black genocide.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented on the critics of the billboard today:
Life Always says it wants to raise public awareness of Planned Parenthood’s war on black people. Good for them. Margaret Sanger, who founded the organization, made no secret of her racist agenda to wipe out the “weeds” in the African American community. To this day, a disproportionate number of Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinics are located in minority neighborhoods, their largest cheerleaders being affluent white liberals who perversely boast of championing the cause of the black poor. 
Nationally, blacks, who make up 13 percent of the population, account for over one-third of all the abortions. In New York City, where over four out of ten children are killed before birth, the rate of abortion among black women is 60 percent. But killing six in ten black babies isn’t enough to satisfy some affluent white liberals—they want more.
New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn does not find black genocide offensive—she finds the billboard offensive. Worse is Bill de Blasio, who in the name of being New York’s Public Advocate, is advocating that the billboard be taken down. He says, “The billboard simply doesn’t belong in our city. The ad violates the values of New Yorkers.” The values he is so proud of include the devaluing of innocent human life, making New York City the abortion capital of the nation.
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