Donohue releases new book, Unmasking Mother Teresa’s Critics

What they’re saying…

“What Donohue has done is expose and analyze the fever swamps of ideological bias from which scattered attacks on this holy woman now and then arise. Unmasking Mother Teresa’s Critics is a valuable and enlightening book.”
“Mother Teresa’s detractors have met their match. In this devastating response to persistent critiques, Bill Donohue corrects the record and turns the tables on Mother’s attackers. The truth within is a powerful antidote to the lies that have dogged Mother for too long.”

Where you can get it…

Bill Donohue’s new book, Unmasking Mother Teresa’s Critics, is now available on, Sophia Institute Press and Barnes and Noble.

From the inside flap

Mother Teresa was voted the most admired person of the 20th century, and is loved the world over. Still, she was not without her critics. This book closely examines their accusations.

What virtually all of her critics have in common is an unabiding disdain for Catholicism and most were, or are, militant atheists. Their strong embrace of socialism is another conspicuous characteristic. What they abhor about Mother Teresa is her strong faith and her altruism.

Mother Teresa’s conviction that life begins in the womb, and that abortion is a violent act, does not sit well with her atheist critics. They are also contemptuous of her private, voluntary efforts to tend to the needs of the poor: socialists see such behavior as a deterrent to state programs, the only ones they find acceptable.

No one was more harsh in his criticism of Mother Teresa than Christopher Hitchens. He locked horns many times with Bill Donohue, and some of those exchanges are recounted in this volume. Neither man was shy about defending his position, and both let loose on each other.

This book, unlike the work of Mother Teresa’s critics, offers plenty of evidence; the sources are amply noted. Those who have been curious about the charges made by her detractors will find this book an invaluable resource. It unmasks her critics and puts to rest the cruel myths they promoted about her.

About Bill Donohue

William A. Donohue began his teaching career in the 1970s working at St. Lucy’s School in Spanish Harlem. In 1977, he took a position as a college professor teaching at La Roche College in Pittsburgh. In 1980, Bill was awarded his Ph.D. in sociology from New York University.

Bill is the author of seven books and many articles and currently serves as President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights in New York City.

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