Time Warner has taken to the airwaves offering two free tickets to the movie “Priest.” The movie is being released by Miramax, a subsidiary of Disney. The Catholic League has lodged a protest against the movie and a nationwide revolt against Disney for standing behind the offensive film. It will have more to say about Disney on April l0 in an Op-Ed ad in the New York Times.

The action by Time Warner led Catholic League president William A. Donohue to make the following remarks:

“It is not for nothing that U.S. News and World Report columnist John Leo recently exposed Time Warner as the nation’s ‘leading cultural polluter.’ Now it is adding to its gutter reputation by offering free tickets to the movie ‘Priest.’ What this action shows is that greed alone cannot account for the sustained assault on the moral order of our society that some elites are wagering. There are those in the entertainment industry, and elsewhere, whose ideological constitution is so opposed to the teachings of Catholicism that they are willing to spend money on ventures that promise no financial return on investment. What they are counting on, of course, is a cultural return, one that drives one more stake into the ethos of American society.

“The Catl1olic League will spread the word about Time Warner’s irresponsibility but will not be distracted from its attack on Disney. Right now our target is Disney, Disney, Disney.”

The Catholic League is the nation’s largest Catholic civil rights organization. It defends the right of Catholics-lay and clergy alike-to participate in American life without defamation or discrimination.

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