To mark today’s anniversary of the beginning of Pope Pius XII’s pontificate, the Catholic League and the Society of Catholic Social Scientists have amassed a Petition to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for the Beatification of Pope Pius XII. The petition, which garnered approximately 15,000 signatures in three months, has been submitted for His Holiness’ consideration. It reads:

With profound respect and sincere devotion, We, the undersigned, humbly request that the cause for the beatification of Pope Pius XII proceed without delay. Pius XII’s virtuous life speaks for itself and is supported by an abundance of incontestable documentary evidence. The truth regarding his service to the Church and the World, as a diplomat and during his pontificate, prior to and through the World War II period, is also historically established. He has been the victim of an unjust smear campaign for fifty years. Now, however, overwhelming evidence has been amassed that proves beyond doubt that he labored without pause for peace, that he sought to assist in every way possible the victims of war, especially Jews, hundreds of thousands of whom were spared through his efforts, and that he constantly warned the world of the horrors of Nazism and Communism. We urge that you honor this holy and brave Pontiff at the soonest possible date.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue had this to say:

“Though the late pope’s detractors are vociferous, the truth is clear: A great and holy man has had his reputation sullied by false accusations. Serious students of history are confident that Pope Pius XII did more to rescue Jews from the Nazis than any other world leader. It is the hope of many faithful Catholics that we will soon be able to speak of ‘Saint Pius’ when referring to this true hero.”

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