The image that Planned Parenthood works hard to sell is that of an organization that cares for the plight of young women who find themselves in a pregnancy they never wanted. In reality, it is a well-greased monster that gets millions of taxpayer dollars each year to promote and offer abortions. But the blood on its hands is also accompanied by lying and deceit.

These days the average person thinks that any law that hasn’t been passed requiring all adults to report instances of sexual molestation of a minor by an adult is the work of the Catholic Church. But they are wrong. Take, for example, what has been happening in New York State.

New York State does not have a law that mandates the clergy to report sex abuse crimes to the authorities. This has led some public persons to criticize Catholic bishops for the exemption. To cite one case, Westchester District Attorney Jeanine Pirro recently blasted the new norms on sex abuse that were approved by the U.S. bishops and called for new state legislation that would add the clergy to the list of mandatory reporters of child abuse.

William Donohue, knowing how utterly untrue Pirro’s comment was, decided to write to every member of the New York State legislature urging him to mandate all professionals to report instances of the sexual abuse of minors to the authorities. In doing so, he also addressed the reason why a bill of this nature has been stymied. By Planned Parenthood and its allies, that is.

When a comprehensive bill on this issue was put forth last June, Donohue said, it was put on hold because of opposition from Family Planning Advocates, the lobbying arm of Planned Parenthood, and the New York Civil Liberties Union. They objected to having abortion providers report instances of statutory rape to the authorities. And with good reason: a recent study showed that 91 percent of Planned Parenthood staff members currently do not report such cases to the authorities.

In a news release on this subject, Donohue said, “People like Jeanine Pirro are more than dishonest when they suggest that it is the bishops who are holding things up—they are literally giving cover to those who work in the abortion industry.”

Donohue ended his statement with the following: “It is time for everyone to put his cards on the table. If the real issue is protecting minors, then everyone should be blanketed by the same law. But if the real issue is to ‘get the priests,’ then the exemption for the abortion industry will shamefully continue. It is time to pull the mask off the Pirros of this world and force them to come clean.”

After the news release was issued, Donohue was asked if he would debate Pirro on CNN’s “American Morning” show with Paula Zahn. He agreed. But when he showed up for the show the next morning, he was told Pirro had cancelled at the last minute. She wanted nothing to do with him.

Donohue wouldn’t let her scoot so easily so he wrote her a letter. Here is what the first paragraph said: “Since you cancelled our debate on CNN, I find it necessary to ask you a question in writing: do you support a sex abuse reporting law that is inclusive (coverage extends to teachers, abortion providers, social workers et al.) or one that applies to the clergy yet allows an exemption for special-interest groups like Planned Parenthood?” She never replied. That’s because she was trapped. It’s also because she’s a coward.

One more thing about Planned Parenthood. They are running an “Artwork & Poster Contest” asking young people to address the subject of the 30th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. One of the conditions says, “Children under age 18 must have a parent or legal guardian’s permission to submit their designs and for us to publish it along with their name.”

This puts the lie to the charge that Planned Parenthood rejects parental consent. It does so only when “Children under age 18” decide to abort their baby.

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