As reported in today’s New York Times, on October 17 the City Council Chamber in New York’s City Hall was the venue of a celebratory event recognizing the Muslim holiday Id al-Fitr; it marks the end of Ramadan. The program was sponsored by City Councilman John Liu.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue responded this way:

“So now we have the legislative body of the New York City government paying tribute to a Muslim religious observance. Where are all the church-and-state zealots who go bonkers every time ‘Silent Night’ is sung in the schools? A Pakistani-born imam certainly did not speak for Catholics when he bellowed how tolerant New York is: Unlike Muslims, who are allowed to put their religious symbols in the schools in December (Jews are afforded the same right), Catholics are denied the right to do so. Though the courts have decided that this is not illegal (as long as secular symbols are not denied), they have also made it clear that the schools could allow a crèche, for instance, if they wanted.

“We will now write to every one of those Islam-friendly City Council members asking them to practice their much vaunted ideal of inclusion: They can demonstrate how Christian-friendly they are by giving us Catholics the same rights as Muslims. And we won’t even ask them to throw us a party in their Chambers.”

Contact Councilman John Liu and ask him to introduce legislation that would allow Catholics to display a crèche at

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