Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented today on reports that say the Vatican will release a document on November 29 that addresses the propriety of homosexuals in the priesthood:

“According to news reports, the Vatican document says that while homosexuals must be respected, the Catholic Church ‘cannot admit to seminaries and to holy orders those who practice homosexuality, who present deeply rooted homosexual tendencies or who support the so-called gay culture.’

“There is little doubt that most practicing Catholics will welcome this decision.  The Vatican is prudent not to have an absolute ban on admission of homosexuals to the priesthood: there are too many good men with homosexual tendencies who have served the Church with distinction.  But there is a monumental difference between someone who is incidentally homosexual and someone for whom the gay subculture is central to his identity.  Only those blinded by sexual politics will fail to make this distinction.

“As I have said many times before, most homosexual priests are not molesters, but most of the molesters are gay.  The John Jay Report made this clear: 81 percent of the victims are male and almost as many are postpubescent.  This is not called pedophilia—it is called homosexuality.

“The Catholic laity are justifiably angry with molesting priests and their enabling bishops, few in number though they have been.  What this document does is to send a signal—those who cannot seriously commit to a celibate lifestyle have no legitimate role to play in the priesthood.  This stricture should apply equally to heterosexuals.”

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