We recently commented on the latest evidence of duplicity on the part of the media and civil libertarians.
We noted the story of a nun who was accused of embezzling $1.2 million from Iona College, a Catholic institution outside New York City. There was also a story about a rabbinical court in Brooklyn that ordered its members not to report crimes to the police. Two New York stories: one about Sister Marie Thornton, the alleged thief; the other about the Beth Din of Crown Heights. Which one gained the interest of the media?
The story on the nun was carried on the front page of Google’s “New York” section, and was picked up by Yahoo!, the AP, UPI, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Daily News, the New York Post, USA Today, Huffington Post, and dozens of other media outlets. The story on the rabbinical court was picked up by the New York Daily News and Gomathist.com. That’s it. At the time we reported on the duplicity, the story about the Jewish court was a week old; the one on the nun broke that day.
In an edict to its 10,000 members, the Beth Din of Crown Heights warned against creating bad relations with the police. Fine. But it also said that “No one shall bring to any media outlet, information about any resident that could, if publicized, lead to an investigation or intensified prosecution by any law-enforcement agency.” In other words, if a rabbi rapes a kid, no one is to report it to the cops.
Moreover, since it is okay during election years for African-American ministers to endorse politicians in their churches, and it is okay to spend public funds for prayer rugs and foot baths for Muslims, the time has come for Catholic bishops to a) order their priests not to report crimes to the police b) endorse politicians at Mass and c) demand public monies for kneelers and holy water receptacles.
Bill Donohue wrote to Brooklyn D.A. Charles Hynes asking him if he would have any objections if the Diocese of Brooklyn adopted the same policy. Hynes was quick to respond with an honest e-mail.
He said, in part, “Nothing can interfere with my authority to investigate and prosecute any allegation of crime in my County.” His e-mail was reassuring and we made it clear that D.A. Hynes had the support of the Catholic League.
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