Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on Bill Maher’s latest offense against Catholics:

For Bill Maher, the allegations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore—a Southern Baptist—offered an opportunity to take a shot at Catholics.

On HBO’s Nov. 10 “Real Time with Bill Maher,” the host was criticizing statements by Alabama state auditor Jim Zeigler comparing Moore’s alleged behavior to Mary and Joseph and the birth of Jesus. Maher said, “Using Jesus to justify child molestation? I mean, even Catholics went, ‘Tried it, doesn’t work.'”

Nothing could be further from the truth. The abuse of minors by a tiny percentage of Catholic priests was in clear violation of the unequivocal teachings of the Catholic Church. It was never “justified” by using Jesus. Rather, the Church has responded with an aggressive campaign to protect children and root out abusers that today should be a model for all other institutions beset by sexual abuse scandals.

Then there was Maher’s obligatory resort to coarse, vile obscenity. Here was his take on the chastity of the Holy Family:

“Joseph and Mary didn’t f***. Isn’t that the whole point of that story?”

And the whole point of Maher’s tired act is to shock and offend people of faith.

Contact Keith Cocozza, Sr. VP Corporate Communications:

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