The phones at the Catholic League have been ringing off the hook in response to the outrageously anti-Catholic show that aired last night on ABC, “That’s Life.” After watching a tape of the show today, league president William Donohue released this statement:

“No show that I have ever seen was as viciously anti-Catholic as last night’s episode of ‘That’s Life.’ It was relentless in its bigotry, mocking Christ’s crucifixion, the Host, transubstantiation, Holy Water, Catholic prayers, Midnight Mass, salvation, Catholic rituals, the Vatican, the New Testament, the Stations of the Cross, Confession, nuns, priests and, of course, those stupid laypersons who swallow all this moonshine. Reference was made in the show to Easter, offering further evidence that malice was at work; as the producers know, this is Holy Week.

“There is no doubt that there are some at ABC who have a problem with Roman Catholicism. I will personally seek a meeting with senior executives at the network so that this animus can be explained.

“I will also see to it that as many influential persons in the Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim communities get a copy of this show. Those in Washington who get exercised over the moral bankruptcy of some TV shows will certainly be contacted. Obviously, the 350,000 members of the Catholic League will be notified as well. Not to be overlooked are senior executives from the other networks. We want everyone to see this show.

“Just this week, ABC president Robert Iger told the National Association of Broadcasters that he questioned the logic of putting the Jerry Springer show on TV, saying that ‘Programs that are embarrassments to our business will, in the long run, alienate our viewers.’ What he will say about last night’s contribution to the legacy of broadcasting shame—on his own network—will be interesting to learn. One thing is for sure: ABC has done more than alienate Catholics, it has angered them in a way no other network ever has.”

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