The Catholic League’s 1998 Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism is now available. The report contains a ten-page preface and executive summary and sixty pages of evidence.

The findings include incidents of anti-Catholicism that emanate from activist organizations, the artistic community, business and the workplace, education, government and the media. The report also features some of the most offensive cartoons that appeared in 1998; the league’s op-ed page ads in the New York Times are also included.

The report is designed to educate the public, and provide evidence to researchers, of the nature and ubiquity of anti-Catholicism. Those who work in law, education, government and the media will especially find this volume useful.

Copies of the report have been sent to many in the media, and those in journalism and broadcasting who did not receive a copy, or would like additional copies, should contact the Catholic League. Every bishop and congressman in the nation has also received a copy.

Copies are available to the public for $10; this includes shipping and handling.

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